
Why kids need calcium to help their bones grow big and strong

Healthy Harold loves the Olympics because it celebrates the strength, athleticism and endurance of people from all over the world – but did you know that calcium helps fuel athletes’ bones?

Calcium helps build strong bones for active kids – who are our future Olympians! Picture: Life Ed/supplied
Calcium helps build strong bones for active kids – who are our future Olympians! Picture: Life Ed/supplied


Hello, friends! It’s Healthy Harold here, and I’m so excited to talk to you about something super important – keeping our bones strong and healthy!

Did you know that it’s Healthy Bones Action Week from August 12-18?

There are three simple ways to make sure our bones stay in tip-top shape: eating calcium-rich foods, doing fun exercises and getting some sunshine for vitamin D. Let’s dive in and learn more!

1. Munch on calcium-rich foods

Calcium is like a superhero for our bones. It helps them stay strong and healthy, just like how a good breakfast gives you energy for the day.

Where can you find this super nutrient? In delicious foods like milk, cheese, yoghurt, calcium-fortified soy milk, chia seeds and nuts.

A glass of milk with your breakfast cereal or in a smoothie is a great start to your day.

Adding some cheese to your sandwich adds a layer of delicious dairy and calcium to your lunchtime tucker.

Yummy yoghurt topped with chia seeds, fruit, or nuts makes a perfect snack or dessert.

Eating these tasty treats every day helps our bones grow strong, just like mine!

Calcium rich foods include milk, cheese, yoghurt, calcium-fortified soy milk, chia seeds and nut. Picture: Life Ed/supplied
Calcium rich foods include milk, cheese, yoghurt, calcium-fortified soy milk, chia seeds and nut. Picture: Life Ed/supplied

2. Hop, skip and jump with weight-bearing exercises

Exercise is not only fun and a great way to spend time with your friends, but did you know that it’s also fantastic for our bones. Weight-bearing exercises are activities where your feet and legs carry your body weight. This type of activity helps your bones get stronger. Here are some exciting exercises you can try:

Hopping: pretend you’re a kangaroo and hop around the school playground, your backyard or the local park.

Skipping: grab a skipping rope and see how many skips you can do in a row. This is also a long skipping rope activity, so you can skip with your friends.

Jumping: play a game of hopscotch with your friends or jump over small obstacles.

If you love sport and being active, building strong bones when you’re a kid can help you have healthy bones as an adult. Remember, even athletes need strong bones.

With the Paris Olympic Games, athletes from around the world are using exercises like these to keep their bones healthy and ready for action. So, this Healthy Bones Action Week, let’s get moving and make our bones as strong as the Olympians’!

This Healthy Bones Action Week, Healthy Harold suggests we all get moving and make our bones as strong as the Olympians’ Picture: Life Ed/supplied
This Healthy Bones Action Week, Healthy Harold suggests we all get moving and make our bones as strong as the Olympians’ Picture: Life Ed/supplied

3. Soak up some sunshine for vitamin D

Vitamin D is another bone buddy. It helps our bodies use calcium to build strong bones. The best way to get vitamin D is by spending some time in the sun. But remember, it’s important to be safe in the sun.

Here’s how you can enjoy the sun safely:

4. Play outside: spend about 15-20 minutes outside in the sun each day. This is usually enough time to get the vitamin D intake you need. Make sure to slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade and slide on some sunglasses if you can.

Whether you’re playing at the park, riding your bike, or just enjoying a walk with your family, a little bit of sunshine helps keep your bones strong and healthy.

Dairy Australia’s Healthy Bones Action Week is a great time to start these habits. By eating calcium-rich foods, doing fun exercises, and getting some sunshine, we can all have strong and healthy bones.

Imagine yourself as an athlete at the Paris Olympic Games, jumping high, running fast and staying active. With strong bones, you can achieve anything!

So let’s all join in and take care of our bones. Remember, strong bones are the foundation for a healthy and active life. Keep munching, hopping, and soaking up the sun safely, and your bones will thank you.

Stay healthy and happy, everyone!

Healthy Harold


Calcium helps build strong bones