
VIDEOAsk Healthy Harold
KIDS NEWS 2025: Life Ed and Healthy Harold have some good tips for preparing for NAPLAN - one of the big ones is getting enough sleep. Picture: Life Ed/supplied

Your NAPLAN superpower is sleep

A few NAPLAN nerves are completely normal but no one wants you to lose sleep over it, and with these helpful tips from Healthy Harold and ‘kid scientist’ Jayki, you’ll be all set in cruise control

South Australia is home to nine of the nationÕs 45 healthiest regions, where residents are living up to eight years longer than the national average and are less prone to chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Matt King,40, (R) (0415800233) of Semaphore, with his boys, Spencer,7, and Alby,5, (blue shirts), and Nick Roach,38, of Semaphore Park,(0402523895), with his son, Liam, 6, enjoying the playground on the Semaphore foreshore. 24 February, 2025. Picture: Dean Martin

Is your suburb a health hotspot?

The nation’s top 45 healthiest places to live have been named in a new report surveying more than 2000 Australians and assessing a variety of health indicators – how healthy is your home state?

KIDS NEWS 2025: Saffron the camel from Werribee Open Range Zoo. Picture: supplied

Elderly camel living the high life

Saffron the gentle giant has a new lease on life now the 23-year-old giraffe is pampered and massaged while being fed tasty treats and the five star treatment works its magic on her ageing joints

VIDEOAsk Healthy Harold
KIDS NEWS 2025: Healthy Harold is looking for Australia's Heathier Lunchboxes. Picture: Life Ed/supplied

Harold loves to lunchbox swap

Healthy Harold changed his lunchbox to ‘Go, Grow and Glow’ foods that give us energy, make us big and strong, and give skin a glow – now he’s looking for Australia’s healthier lunch boxes

Kids news HP promo
The Daily Telegraph Friday 31 January 2025
Mt Kosci Basketball Boy - Hudson

9 year old Hudson has be diagnosed with cerebral palsy he is now doing a climb at Mount Kosciusko and attempting the worlds height basketball trick shot  to raise money for cerebral palsy. Picture Thomas Lisson

Hudson shoots for Mt Kosci dream

With an extra boost from his favourite US basketball team the iconic Harlem Globetrotters, Hudson Nicholas, who lives with cerebral palsy, is set to scale Australia’s highest peak for charity

Ask Healthy Harold
Healthy Harold has some great tips for staying safe these school holidays. Picture: Life Ed

Stay safe these school holidays

Healthy Harold loves school holidays and spending time with his family and friends – here are some of Life Ed’s top safety tips for having lots of fun while enjoying a beautiful Australian summer

Mark Knight toon Nov 24

Farewell tribute to forever friends

The tragic loss of Australian teenagers Bianca Jones and Holly Bowles this past week was felt around the nation, as captured in cartoonist Mark Knight’s poignant picture of youth and beauty

Short-tailed shearwaters have a long life-span. Picture: Trevor Pescott.

Why washed up birds are a worry

Authorities are monitoring beaches along the eastern seaboard as migrating bird dying of ‘malnutrition’ wash ashore, with bird flu experts on alert in the bid to keep H5N1 out of Australia

The artifical tissue mimics the top crucial layers of skin and comes after years of work at The Alfred and Monash University. Picture: supplied

Grow your own ‘skin’ for burns

In a world-first medical trial, an Australian patient has received human-like skin grown in a lab to treat severe burns – a major breakthrough doctors say could improve healing and save lives

Jaxon Pambid, Riley Gillece, Ewan Wood, George Philp and James Johnston for News Corp UNPLUGGED 24 PROJECT, Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - Picture: Richard Walker

23,000 Aussie kids turn off socials

More than 20,000 Aussie schoolchildren have given up social media for 24 hours, as part of a national campaign to highlight the dangers – WARNING: RED LEVEL (SECONDARY ONLY)

A study from Murdoch Childrens which identified a key change in the immune system that underpins peanut allergy remission, enabling them to develop a targeted treatment. Stella 9 years old was diagnosed with a peanut allergy at 18 months of age. But after taking part in a Murdoch ChildrenÕs allergy trial, she has had been in clinical remission for almost four years and now eats peanut regularly. At her home in Carnegie. Picture Rebecca Michael.

Peanut allergies linked to pollution

What raises the risk of developing peanut allergies – and what changes could “help turn the tide” on the rise in food sensitivities – has been revealed for the first time by an Australian team

mark Knight toon on death of James Earl Jones

Social media Australia’s Death Star

Parents battling social media harm is like the Rebellion fighting the Death Star as Mark Knight channels Darth Vader’s much-needed voice of authority in tribute to the actor who voiced him

Australia has demanded social media platforms reveal how many children are on their sites and what protections are in place to detect underage users

Australia moves on social media

PM Anthony Albanese has announced his government will work with states and territories on a ‘national approach’ to impose a unified social media age limit to better protect Australian children