
Kids News reader Alexa asks children’s book author David Baddiel about writing books

Kids News reader Alexa B has interviewed children’s book author David Baddiel on how long it takes to write a book, his inspiration for Head Kid and if there’ll be a sequel

David Baddiel
David Baddiel


Kids News reader Alexa B from Victoria has turned cub reporter to interview children’s book author and comedian David Baddiel for us.

Alexa finds out how long it takes to write a book, what inspired David to write his latest funny book Head Kid and whether there will be a sequel.

See Alexa’s full interview below:

Q. Why did you want to become an author?
A. Because I like telling stories, and I like writing jokes. I’ve been a comedian for 30 years and I always combined that with writing. I always have a lot of ideas for stories, more than I can actually get written. 

How has being a author changed the way you read books?
Not very much, I’ve always read. Perhaps it makes more appreciative of the effort that’s gone into writing the book I’m reading!

What inspired you to write the book Head Kid?
My publisher’s son suggested I write a story in which the head teacher of a school and the naughtiest boy in the school square off against each other, and I loved that idea and then came up with the body swap development of it.

The book cover of Head Kid by David Baddiel.
The book cover of Head Kid by David Baddiel.

How long does it take you to write one of your books?
Normally about six months to do the first draft and then lots of time editing and talking to my brilliant illustrator about the pictures.

Where do you spend most of your time writing books?
In my study, in my house.

Do you enjoy writing books?
I do. It’s not always easy, but it’s a great job. 

Have any of your family read you books?
Yes, my daughter has read most of my books, and so has my son, even though he pretends not to.  

Do you read your own books when they are published? 
Yes – not always all the way through – I tend to open them and flick through them at random. I don’t know why?

How much time do you spend editing?
About three months goes into the editing. 

Will you release a book called Head Kid 2?
No, I think the story ends where it should end.

Thank you, Alexa, great questions!

Read the first three chapters free at the free Kids News Book Club.

You can then buy the book at a discount price if you sign up free to the club membership.

All the details are HERE.