
Special ‘covid stamp’ printed on toilet paper

A European postal service has printed a stamp on toilet paper to reinforce an important coronavirus message — as Australia releases its own pandemic-related stamp

Austria’s “corona stamp” is printed on three-ply toilet paper and includes an important social distancing reminder. Picture: Reuters
Austria’s “corona stamp” is printed on three-ply toilet paper and includes an important social distancing reminder. Picture: Reuters


Austria’s postal service has brought together two aspects* of the coronavirus pandemic with a stamp printed on toilet paper.

The “corona stamp” is designed to remind people about the need for social distancing. It comes in 10cm wide sheets and includes a picture of a baby elephant, which the Austrian government has been using as a symbol* of the 1m distance it recommends people stay apart to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

“If you put 10 stamp sheets end-to-end, you get a metre’s distance in total — or the length of a baby elephant,” Austria Post said in a statement.

The stamp is printed on 10cm wide sheets, which if put end-to-end in lots of 10 represents the recommended 1m social distance. Picture: Reuters
The stamp is printed on 10cm wide sheets, which if put end-to-end in lots of 10 represents the recommended 1m social distance. Picture: Reuters

The stamp is printed on three-ply toilet paper, in reference to the panic buying that happened when the pandemic took hold earlier this year.

The 2.75 euro corona stamp will be sold at twice the price, with the extra money going to charity.

In Australia, where people are advised to stay 1.5m apart, a special heart-shaped stamp has been released to give pandemic-hit Melbourne a boost.

The stamp features the Melbourne city skyline* and was created as part of the Let’s Melbourne Again campaign, which aims to reinvigorate* the city and support its economic recovery from COVID-19.

Annelise Cembala, 11, shows off a larger version of Australia Post’s Let’s Melbourne Again stamp. Picture Jay Town
Annelise Cembala, 11, shows off a larger version of Australia Post’s Let’s Melbourne Again stamp. Picture Jay Town

Australia Post chief marketing officer Amber Collins said it was more important than ever for people to feel connected to the community.

“As an organisation that connects people every day, we want to help bring people back to the city and celebrate what’s great about Melbourne,” Ms Collins said.

“The Let’s Melbourne Again stamp is sure to become a keepsake* for many Melburnians as they connect with their city to inspire hope and demonstrate the pride they have for their town.”

Australia Post will also use a special postmark on letters posted across Melbourne.

The stamp is available in a sheet of five for $5.50.


  • aspects: parts
  • symbol: a thing that is used to represent something else
  • skyline: view of buildings rising into the sky
  • reinvigorate: give new energy to
  • keepsake: something to keep or collect


Dear Australia: memories of the nation in isolation

Reef survival gets stamp of approval


  1. What animal is on the Austrian stamp?
  2. What does this animal symbolise?
  3. How much will the stamp cost?
  4. What city is on the Australian stamp?
  5. What shape is the Australian stamp?


1. Measuring 1.5m
In Austria they have used informal measurements to help people remember how far apart to stay to be "socially distant" - recommending they stay "1 baby elephant" or "10 toilet paper stamps" apart. 

Can you come up with 10 creative ways to measure the 1.5m recommendation that we have in Australia? (For example - 6 rubber thongs)

Note: Your measurements should be reasonably accurate but don't need to be exact.

Time: allow 30 minutes to complete this activity
Curriculum Links: English; Mathematics

2. Extension
Create a graphic, slogan, jingle or other memorable way to communicate your best "informal measurement" idea from the activity above, that you think will help Australians to remember to socially distance from one another effectively.

Leave some room,
Leave some space,
Stay 6 thongs away mate,
That'd be ace!

Time: allow 15 minutes to complete this activity 
Curriculum Links: English

Punctuation Thief
Pick a paragraph from the article, or about three sentences together if that’s easier, and rewrite it without the punctuation.

At the bottom of the page write a list of all the punctuation you stole and in the order you stole it. For example; C , . C .

Then swap your book with another person and see if they can work out where the punctuation needs to go back to.

Make it easier:

  • Underline where you stole the punctuation from but don’t put the list at the bottom in order.

Make it harder:

  • Don’t put the punctuation in order at the bottom.
  • Underline where you took the punctuation from, but don’t tell them what pieces you took.
  • Just tell them how many pieces you took, but not what they are.
  • Don’t give them any clues!

HAVE YOUR SAY: What event would you put on a stamp and why?
No one-word answers. Use full sentences to explain your thinking. No comments will be published until approved by editors.