Find out if your family qualifies for free home internet

Home internet is a necessity for Australian students but there are too many without good access. The government is trying to change this. Here’s how

Quality internet connection is a necessity for students at school and home however, many families are still without adequate access. Picture: Supplied
Quality internet connection is a necessity for students at school and home however, many families are still without adequate access. Picture: Supplied


A big change to the Albanese government’s School Student Broadband* Initiative* (SSBI) will make it easier for families to access* free home internet for a year. Here’s how it works:
A new National Referral Centre

The government has opened a National Referral* Centre, making the process easier for up to 30,000 eligible* families.

Instead of waiting to be referred, families who meet the eligibility criteria can now nominate themselves for the SSBI by contacting the centre, which is led by Anglicare Victoria.

By getting an NBN voucher* through SSBI, each family can save about $1000.

Anglicare Victoria CEO Paul McDonald, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland and St Benedict's Primary School, ACT, associate principal Karen Haines discuss the SSBI change. Picture: supplied
Anglicare Victoria CEO Paul McDonald, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland and St Benedict's Primary School, ACT, associate principal Karen Haines discuss the SSBI change. Picture: supplied

Why it’s happening
Many students don’t have good internet at home and the government said this program was important to help families with their living costs.

The Communications Minister, Michelle Rowland, said the simpler process would help even more families.

“In 2023, every Australian school student needs access to reliable fast broadband, otherwise, they just can’t participate in online learning at school or at home,” she said.

“While many Australian families have a home internet connection*, so many do not, and that’s why we see this project as a key cost of living* measure.

“Once you have a family connected, it’s not only the school student who is going to benefit, it’s going to be the entire family.”

Eligibility and importance
School students without reliable home internet can benefit from this program if their family is eligible.

The government believes access to fast broadband is essential for students’ online learning, particularly in today’s educational landscape.

To be eligible for SSBI, a family must:

Have a child living at home and enrolled in an Australian school

Be referred by a nominating* organisation* or self-nominate through the National Referral Centre

Have no active broadband service over the NBN network

Live somewhere with access to a standard NBN service

Not have had an active NBN connection in the previous 14 days

If a student has better home internet, not only will they not be left behind in their studies, their whole family will benefit by having access to a range of services. Picture: supplied
If a student has better home internet, not only will they not be left behind in their studies, their whole family will benefit by having access to a range of services. Picture: supplied

SSBI’s progress
Since launching in January, the SSBI has successfully connected more than 4000 families across the country, and an additional 18,700 connection vouchers have been issued to eligible families.

These vouchers allow families to access free NBN internet through participating providers.

What will Anglicare Victoria do?
Anglicare Victoria helps run the new National Referral Centre.

They try to make sure more families get the help they need.

Anglicare Victoria CEO Paul McDonald said it was a “life-changing” opportunity for many families.

He said access to a good internet service was important for modern education and no kids should be left behind.

The organisation makes it easier to apply by helping families directly.

By running the new referral centre, Anglicare Victoria expects many more vouchers will be given to families.

Your parent or guardian can contact the National Referral Centre for more information:

Phone 1800 954 610 or visit anglicarevic.org.au/student-internet

Free internet for 30,000 Australian homes (7News)


  • broadband: a very fast and reliable way to connect to the internet
  • initiative: a plan or action to make things better or easier
  • access: the ability to get or use something
  • referral: when someone suggests or recommends something
  • eligible: qualified or allowed to do something
  • voucher: a piece of paper or number that can be used to get something for free or at a lower cost
  • connection: being able to use the internet or communicate with others
  • cost of living: how much money it takes to live
  • nominating: choosing or suggesting someone or something
  • organisation: a group of people working together for a specific purpose


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    What is the Albanese government’s SSBI program making easier for families to access?
  2. Instead of waiting to be referred, what can eligible families now do to join the SSBI?
  3. Why does the government think the SSBI program is important for families?
  4. What is the Communications Minister, Michelle Rowland, trying to ensure for all Australian school students in 2023?
  5. Who is helping run the new National Referral Centre?


1. Break it down
What are the five most important points, or pieces of information, in the story that families need to know?

Create a poster that will help parents or carers understand each one of these points.

Time: allow at least 30 minutes to complete this activity
Curriculum Links: English, Visual Communication Design, Personal and Social Capability

2. Extension
Do you believe the federal government could take additional measures to further support all students in Australia?

Make a list of five things they could help students with and the difference each one could make.

Time: allow at least 20 minutes to complete this activity
Curriculum Links: English, Visual Communication Design, Personal and Social Capability

Opener up-level it
Make a list of all the openers in the article. Pick three that repeat and see if you can replace them with another word, or shuffle the order of the sentence to bring a new opener to the front.

Don’t forget to re-read the sentence to make sure it still makes sense, and that it actually sounds better.