
Not even getting the boot can dim Ricciardo’s positive outlook in Mark Knight cartoon

Aussie Formula 1 driver Daniel Ricciardo is famous for his beaming smile and doing a ‘shoey’ – and not even getting the boot from his racing team can take those away

Aussie Formula 1 driver Daniel Ricciardo still has his trademark smile in Mark Knight’s cartoon, despite being given the boot by his McLaren team.
Aussie Formula 1 driver Daniel Ricciardo still has his trademark smile in Mark Knight’s cartoon, despite being given the boot by his McLaren team.


Formula 1 driver Daniel Ricciardo is one of Australia’s favourite sons. In fact, he’s a favourite of everyone who knows him or has seen his infectious, beaming smile in the media.

In the cutthroat* sport of F1, Dan is a breath of fresh air. He’s always quick with a joke or a laugh, and never guilty of sniping* at his fellow competitors. He saves his attacks for the racetrack.

His amazing talent has seen him win numerous Grand Prix races around the world, including victory at the prestigious* Monaco GP* and last year he won at Monza in Italy, driving for his current team, McLaren.

Australian Daniel Ricciardo drives his McLaren race car during qualifying ahead of the Belgium F1 Grand Prix in August this year. Picture: Getty Images
Australian Daniel Ricciardo drives his McLaren race car during qualifying ahead of the Belgium F1 Grand Prix in August this year. Picture: Getty Images

However, the past two years at McLaren have not been as successful as he would have hoped, and despite his win at Monza (the only win the team has had in 10 years) people began to question Ricciardo’s future in the team.

Sadly this week McLaren announced the disappointing news that Daniel would be leaving at the end of the year.

Despite the bad news, Ricciardo was down but not bitter at a press conference following the announcement. He conducted himself with dignity* and said that he still had “fire in the belly” and wanted to continue in Formula 1.

Daniel Ricciardo still had his trademark smile and sense of humour at a recent press conference after McLaren announced it was cutting ties with him at the end of the year. Picture: Getty Images
Daniel Ricciardo still had his trademark smile and sense of humour at a recent press conference after McLaren announced it was cutting ties with him at the end of the year. Picture: Getty Images

I thought I should draw a cartoon on the news of his departure, in particular looking at how such a positive and happy person might deal with such bad news.

Ricciardo is a delight to draw, and I have penned many cartoons of him in the past, the focal point of the cartoons being that Luna Park sized smile!

Another thing Dan Ricciardo is famous for is, of course, the “shoey”. When he wins a race or gets a podium finish*, he celebrates by drinking champagne from his shoe, much to the delight of the crowd!

“Yuck,” I hear you say!

Daniel Ricciardo does a shoey after winning the F1 Grand Prix in Monza, Italy, in September 2021. Picture: Getty Images
Daniel Ricciardo does a shoey after winning the F1 Grand Prix in Monza, Italy, in September 2021. Picture: Getty Images

I thought I should also try to include this in the cartoon. But how?

I started trying to match all the information I had to see if I could come up with something funny that might imitate Daniel’s sense of humour in this difficult moment.

He had just been sacked, and another expression for getting sacked is getting the “boot”.

He is known for celebrating his wins with a shoey, being the funny guy he is, maybe he might celebrate his departure with a boot?

So I sketched Dan in his McLaren cockpit with a big old army boot in his hand, ready to take his medicine.

Asked how he feels about being given the boot, in typical style he says “ just another opportunity for a shoey!” And naturally delivered with his huge, beaming smile.

The cartoon seeks to underline Ricciardo’s optimism*. Being the champion he is, he looks to the bright side even when things aren’t going so well.

A lesson for us all.


  • cutthroat: fierce and intense, showing no care or consideration for people you are competing against
  • sniping: attacking someone verbally in a sly or nasty way
  • prestigious: very much respected and admired
  • GP: stands for Grand Prix, one of a series of international car races
  • dignity: behaving in a calm, serious and controlled way that is worthy of respect
  • podium finish: finishing first, second or third in a race and standing on the podium to receive a prize
  • optimism: being hopeful and confident about the future


Ricciardo wants crowd ‘undie run’ if he wins GP

Ricciardo wins Monaco GP in his greatest race

Ricciardo pranks Hamilton in F1 fun


  1. Which racing team gave Daniel Ricciardo the boot?
  2. Name one of the races Daniel Ricciardo has won.
  3. What does Mark Knight compare Daniel Ricciardo’s smile to?
  4. Apart from his smile, what else is Daniel Ricciardo famous for?
  5. For what two reasons has Mark Knight drawn a boot in this cartoon?


1. What happens next?
Imagine this cartoon is part of a story that is made up of three cartoons. The three cartoons tell a complete story, and Mark’s cartoon is the start of the story. Think about what the story could be and draw the next two cartoons that tell the story.

Time: allow 30 minutes to complete this activity
Curriculum Links: English, Visual Arts, Visual Communication Design, Critical and Creative Thinking

2. Extension
Being able to draw is only one of the skills needed to be a great cartoonist. Write a list of all of the other skills that you think cartoonists like Mark need to do their job.

Next to each skill, write a sentence that explains why that skill is important or helps them to do a great job.

Time: allow at least 20 minutes to complete this activity
Curriculum Links: English, Personal and Social Capability, Media Arts, Visual Communication Design

Describe it
Look at the cartoon and make a list of five nouns that you see. Then describe those five nouns with five adjectives.

Add a preposition to those five nouns and adjectives.

Now choose your favourite bundle and put all the words together to make one descriptive sentence.