
Tasmania’s JackJumpers win maiden NBL title in all-time thriller

Tasmania’s JackJumpers have won the NBL title in just their third season, upsetting a stacked Victorian team to complete their expansion fairytale

Tasmania’s JackJumpers celebrate with the trophy during game five of the NBL Championship Grand Final Series against Melbourne United. Picture: Kelly Defina/Getty Images
Tasmania’s JackJumpers celebrate with the trophy during game five of the NBL Championship Grand Final Series against Melbourne United. Picture: Kelly Defina/Getty Images


In a historic* victory for Tasmania, the JackJumpers clinched* their first NBL title after an intense battle against Melbourne United.

Led by point guard Jordan Crawford’s remarkable performance in game five, scoring 32 points, including six three-pointers*, the JackJumpers secured an 83-81 win at John Cain Arena in Melbourne on Sunday.

The Tasmania JackJumpers are NBL champions. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images
The Tasmania JackJumpers are NBL champions. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images

The JackJumpers’ journey to victory was marked by resilience* and determination, as they overcame a game down in the series and secured two crucial wins on the road against minor premiers* Melbourne United.

Crawford’s exceptional performance in the first quarter*, along with support from forward Luke Travers, helped the JackJumpers regain momentum* after a rough start.

JackJumpers players celebrate with coach Scott Roth. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images
JackJumpers players celebrate with coach Scott Roth. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images

Despite United’s early lead, Crawford’s flawless* shooting and Jack McVeigh’s contributions narrowed the gap, with the scores tied on 44 each at halftime.

The third quarter saw both teams fiercely contesting*, with United briefly establishing a seven-point lead.

Tassie coach Scott Roth was in tears. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images
Tassie coach Scott Roth was in tears. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images

However, the JackJumpers rallied* back with a strong fourth-quarter performance, led by Milton Doyle and Sean Macdonald, ultimately securing a narrow victory.

The win marked a significant moment for Tasmania’s basketball history, with the JackJumpers joining the ranks of the state’s sporting legends.

Jack McVeigh was named NBL Finals MVP. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images
Jack McVeigh was named NBL Finals MVP. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images

It reignited* debates over the team’s place among the best expansion* teams in Australian sports history, with fans celebrating the JackJumpers’ remarkable achievement.

The JackJumpers celebrated their hard-fought victory in front of a crowd of 10,175 at John Cain Arena.

Melbourne United 81 (Lual-Acuil Jr 14 Dellavedova 13 Travers 13 Goulding 13)

Tasmania JackJumpers 83 (Crawford 32 McVeigh 14 Doyle 11 Magnay 11)

Tasmania JackJumpers win the best-of-five NBL Championship Series 3-2.

Crowd: 10,175 at John Cain Arena, Melbourne.


  • historic: very important in history; from a long time ago, but still remembered
  • clinched: secured or confirmed
  • quarter: one of four equal parts of something
  • three-pointers: a basketball shot made from beyond a designated arc on the court
  • resilience: the ability to bounce back or recover quickly from difficulties
  • premiers: the team that finishes at the top of the league standings
  • momentum: the strength or force gained by motion or progress
  • flawless: without any mistakes or imperfections
  • contesting: to compete or struggle for victory or control
  • rallied: to come together for a common purpose or cause
  • reignited: to cause something to become active or popular again
  • expansion: the action of becoming larger or more extensive


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  1. Who led the Tasmania JackJumpers to their historic victory in game five?
  2. What was the final score of the game where the Tasmania JackJumpers clinched their first NBL title?
  3. How many points did Jordan Crawford score in game five?
  4. How many wins did the Tasmania JackJumpers secure on the road against Melbourne United?
  5. Where did the Tasmania JackJumpers celebrate their hard-fought victory?


1. Tassie title
How did the Tasmanian JackJumpers show “determination and resilience” to get to, and eventually win the NBL Final in a nail biter?

How would Tasmanians feel about this win?

Time: allow 10 minutes to complete this activity
Curriculum Links: English, Health and Physical Education, Personal and Social, Critical and Creative Thinking

2. Extension
How many points is a normal basketball shot?

How many three pointers did their star shooter get?

How do you think the JackJumpers got their name?

Time: allow 10 minutes to complete this activity
Curriculum Links: English, Health and Physical Education, Personal and Social, Critical and Creative Thinking

Read this!
A headline on an article – or a title on your text – should capture the attention of the audience, telling them to read this now. So choosing the perfect words for a headline or title is very important.

Create three new headlines for the events that took place in this article. Remember, what you write and how you write it will set the pace for the whole text, so make sure it matches.

Read out your headlines to a partner and discuss what the article will be about based on the headline you created. Discuss the tone and mood you set in just your few, short words. Does it do the article justice? Will it capture the audience’s attention the way you hoped? Would you want to read more?

Consider how a headline or title is similar to using short, sharp sentences throughout your text. They can be just as important as complex ones. Go through the last text you wrote and highlight any short, sharp sentences that capture the audience.