Gold Rush

Gold Rush
Artwork for Gold Rush kits at $20 price point

How to order your Gold Rush kit

The discovery of gold in Australia began one of the most significant periods in our history. This kit explores the history of the Gold Rush and its impact on our nation both then and now

Gold Rush
Dutch Tall Ship the Stad Amsterdam a three masted Clipper arrives in Port Phillip Bay for the Tall Ships Festival in Williamstown.

Rough journey to the goldfields

LIFE AS A MINER: News of the Australian Gold Rush spread quickly around the world. But the journey for those who dreamt of striking it rich was slow, uncomfortable and dangerous

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Gold Rush
Sovereign Hill, Victoria 
Image supplied by Tourism Victoria 
Mandatory credit: Tourism Victoria

The hard task of finding gold

LIFE AS A MINER: There are stories of miners tripping over nuggets of gold. Yes, really! But most people had to work much, much harder to find their fortune 

Gold Rush
Chinese gold diggers in Beechworth. Miners.

A big multicultural melting pot

LIFE AS A MINER: People came from across the world to find their fortune. The mix of cultures made the goldfields an exciting place, but also a difficult place for some

Gold Rush
RendezView. Vintage engraving of Victorian nurses caring for a dying man suffering from Tuberculosis. (Pic: iStock)

Miracle cures and other crazy ideas

GOLDFIELDS JOBS: You have a broken arm, sir? I’ll put a leech on your leg to draw out the pain. If you think that’s crazy, you haven’t been to a Gold Rush medical ‘expert’

Gold Rush
Sovereign Hill's latest acquisition - a $250,000 gold nugget is growing in value every day thanks to the dramatic rise in the price of gold. Dubbed 'Goldasaurus', the 141-ounce nugget found by a prospector between Ballarat and Bendigo and purchased by Sovereign Hill, has started another gold rush, with hundreds of people flocking to Sovereign Hill to see the monster find. Combined with a 3kg solid gold bar bought eight years ago for $50,000 and now worth more than $81,000, Sovereign Hill is enticing people through the door with the lure of getting up close to more than $300,000 worth of pure gold.

Growing up in a golden time

FAMILY AND HOME LIFE: Children worked hard and didn’t often go to school. But playtime was fun and if you spent your spare time mining, you could even find some gold