Just For Fun

At Woodville North every fortnight, drone racing enthusiasts test their skill racing through a course of gates. 3 of the best pilots, (LtoR) Darcy RoseÕ Meyer,15, of Happy Valley, Angus Porter,15, of Warradale, and Kris Mallise,31, of Moonta Bay. 2 March 2025. Picture: Dean Martin

Is this Australia’s weirdest sport?

Move over Formula One, Australia has a new type of competitive racing that makes you feel like you’re flying without leaving the ground – all while putting your dexterity to the ultimate test

Just for Fun
Insane jordan room home for sale

‘Jordan Room’ $470k sneaker vault

A custom-built, museum-style ‘sneaker room’, full-size basketball court, two pools and a golf course – no wonder multiple NBA stars have played at this fan’s mega-mansion sporting paradise

SUNDAY TELEGRAPH ONLY - EMBARGOED FOR JULY 29 - Pictured at Stardust Circus is performer Cassius West 13. Picture: Tim Hunter.

Born and bred ‘circus kids’ fly high

Most kids dream of running away to the circus for a life of excitement, creativity, athleticism and adventure – but what is it really like for children who grow up performing in the big top?

KIDS NEWS 2025: Saffron the camel from Werribee Open Range Zoo. Picture: supplied

Elderly camel living the high life

Saffron the gentle giant has a new lease on life now the 23-year-old giraffe is pampered and massaged while being fed tasty treats and the five star treatment works its magic on her ageing joints


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2yr old gorilla Kaius pictured at Mogo Zoo on the South Coast of NSW today. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

Baby gorilla Kaius beats the odds

Surviving has turned to thriving as gorgeous gorilla Kaius turns two, overcoming his sad start thanks to his devoted keeper and the eventual acceptance of his gorilla family in an Australian first

Macpherson Robertson being welcomed home by staff at his Fitzroy factory for MacRobertson's chocolate in 1935. Picture: State Library of Victoria.

Meet Australia’s real Willy Wonka

Australia had its own Willy Wonka long before Roald Dahl wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the real one every bit as eccentric and a genius as the fictional version

Jillibalu Riley learned breakdancing and other contemporary dance at high school. Picture: supplied

Wise words from a circus star

Jillibalu Riley does incredible acrobatics as a performer with Circus Oz, tricks he started practising as a little daredevil kid mucking around with his cousins

Photo composite of Loch Ness Monster

Breakthrough in Loch Ness mystery

Scientists have made a major discovery in solving the mystery of the Loch Ness monster by testing DNA left behind by living things — ruling out the idea it was a dinosaur

The Gateway Foundatio's space hotel

Pack your bags for a space holiday

Designs have been revealed for the Von Braun Rotating Space Station, a low-orbit, wheel-shaped hotel for 100 space tourists a week that could be open for guests by 2025