Schoolyard Shoutout

Welcome to Schoolyard Shoutout, Kids News’ national noticeboard for school news!

Schoolyard Shoutout is Kids News’ dedicated hub for school stories from across our news network. We also warmly invite schools to share newsworthy student accomplishments and initiatives with us directly.

Schoolyard Shoutout will share school news in four categories: Sport, Academic, Creative and Community – please find submission guidelines below.

We can’t wait to hear what’s happening at your school!


Aussie kids are active kids! We want to help keep them fit and healthy by sharing inspirational shoutouts of students who are jumping higher, running faster, swimming stronger and every other way young people love to play sports. On your marks, get set, GO!

Sport Shoutout
Student from Riverview Inclusion Program in Auticon Car #1. Picture: supplied/Jonathan Sweet

Motorsport speeds up inclusion

Students from St Ignatius College Riverview’s Inclusion Program went trackside for an inspirational outing with autistic race car driver Ben Taylor in a proud celebration of neurodiverse athletes

Sport Shoutout
KIDS NEWS 2024: Schoolyard Shoutout SPORT, St Monica's Running Club, June 5. Picture: supplied

School fitness a runaway success

Whether it’s striving for a personal best each week or just getting out there and having a crack, the free before-school St Monica’s Primary School Run Club has really hit its stride with students

VIDEOSport Shoutout
Little world champion Helena Carey.

Sydney six-year-old’s world record

Sydney’s Vaucluse Public boasts a young world record holder on the roll but the principal says the school community is most proud of six-year-old sprinter Helena Carey’s top class sportsmanship


Schools are the heart of every Australian community. We can learn from each other by sharing all the ways in which your students are making the world a better place through volunteer service, fundraising for worthy causes, environmental activism and more


Creativity is a force for good! Your school’s gifted artists, writers, thespians and musicians are probably too busy creating beautiful things for the rest of us to enjoy, so you need to sing their praises! Please share their wins with us, from the modest to the magnificent

Creative Shoutout
ARTEXPRESS 2024 artwork

Be inspired by top teen artists

The multi-site showcase of the most outstanding NSW artworks by HSC visual arts students is here – meet these exemplary young artists and see their amazing works as they set out after school


How have your students distinguished themselves in the pursuit of academic excellence? Whether your student is a STEM star, a dare-to-dreamer or a deadly debater, we want to help shout it from the rooftops when dedication and ability equal achievement

Submission guidelines

Schoolyard Shoutout submissions must be made by school staff only in relation to students at their school. Student and parent submissions are not eligible for consideration. 

Registered homeschool parent teachers may submit materials where proof of homeschool registration has been provided.

School staff must only submit the name and/or image of a student if the staff member has prior permission; if the student is 18yo or more, then from the student, and otherwise  from the parent or legal guardian of the student. That permission must include a release to allow for the publisher of KidsNews to publish online the submission in whole or in part, to identify the student including by identifying the school they attend and to edit the submission prior to publication.

Please submit no more than 250 words plus a minimum of two high resolution colour images with captions for consideration.

Video submissions should be supplied in landscape as an MP4 file.

Only submissions in one of these four categories will be considered: Sport, Academic, Creative and Community.

Publication remains at the discretion of Kids News editors and no correspondence will be entered into regarding a school notice that has not been published on the noticeboard.

Submissions may be sent for consideration to

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding content on Schoolyard Shoutout to Kids News Editor Diana Jenkins at